The logical operators in php lest combinations of booleans. php locical operators is important for understanding conditional statement . The or operator -which is indicated by two pipe characters( || )  or simply the characters or teturns true if either the left or the right operand is true. So
true|| false
returns true.

The and operator, which is indicated by either two ampersand characters( &&) or the characters and returns true only if both the left and right operands are true.So

true  && false   Returns false

It's unlikely that yu would use a logical operator to test booleans constants, however. It would make more sens to test two or more expressions that resolve to a boolean. for example

( $x > 2 ) && ( $x<16)

would return true if $x contained a vlaue greater than 2 and smaller than 15,
we include the parentheses to make the code easier to read.

Logical operators

Operator            Name            Returns true if.....                                 example                   Result

||                        Or                  Left or right is true                           true || false                      true

or                        Or                Left or right is true                           true || false                     true

xor                     Xor                Left or right is true but not both     true xor true                   false

&&                     and                left and right are true                      true && false                false

and                     And               left and right are true                      false && true                false

!                        Not                 The single operand is not true         !true                              false

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